Response Rate Realities for the Freelancer

by copywriter and marketing coach Chris Marlow


The marketer's rule of thumb for mailer response rates is generally 1.0%. In 2003 the Direct Marketing Association published statistics that showed the business-to-business direct mail response rate to a prospect list averaging a measly .61%.

Of course, much will depend on how good a marketer you are. Direct
response agency CEO Russell Kern, for whom I have much respect, places the average at 0.5% to 3.0%.

Response rate depends on many factors, chief among them the list you mail to. If you have a poor list, you'll get poor results. But if your list is strong — and it should be if you personally hand-picked who you want on it and they fit your niche perfectly — then of course your chance of success is higher.

The next most important factor is your offer to this list. Do you know your target market intimately? Do you really know what their problems are? People are looking for solutions and they're looking for the right person to provide those solutions.

It's not uncommon for my coaching students to get a 5.0% response on their first mailings, and sometimes even higher. Why are they getting such high response rates?

Number one, because they target a strong niche. Number two, because they understand the psychology of their prospects, and have matched their prospect's needs and desires with a solution they can provide (presented in the form of an offer).

And number three, their marketing materials support their message; the recipient receives an introductory sales letter that stands out in the mailbox in some way, via smart copy, design or format, a clever and relevant concept, or perhaps a "bulky item" to drive curiosity for a high open rate. Other marketing materials carry the same message, the same branding, and target the same audience (e.g., the Web site, Bio, etc.).

When all is said and done, it goes back to the old 40-40-20 Rule: 40% of your marketing success will come from the quality of your list; 40% will come from the relevance of your offer; and 20% will come from the quality of your marketing materials.

Chris Marlow, all rights reserved

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