Pricing Guide for 40
more copywriting jobs + FREE Bonus, Marketing and Time Management for Copywriters
New Survey Helps You Save Thousands in Gut-wrenching Price Mistakes
Volume I of Chris Marlow's Freelance Copywriter Fee & Compensation Survey™
became the industry's leading resource for pricing 20 of the most common copywriting jobs.
Now she's done it again by surveying over 300 freelance copywriters who have been full-time
freelance for at least one year. Volume II of Chris Marlow's Freelance Copywriter Fee & Compensation Survey expands on Volume I by offering 40 MORE pricing benchmarks for common
copywriting jobs: everything from Advertorials to Yellow Page ads!
This sixty-eight page Report is "super-sized" with 40 detailed pricing charts and many smaller
charts, job descriptions, revealing information on first year gross earnings versus "current
year" gross earnings, and even information on most- and least lucrative niche markets!
What's more, the Freelance Copywriter Fee & Compensation Survey (Volume II) comes with a
free Bonus Report that spills the beans on time-management and marketing you
can see what over 300 copywriters do to run successful businesses! You owe it to yourself to check it out here