iPhone for Dummies
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iPhone for Dummies is a must have for anyone who wants to get the most out of using the incredible new iPhone. Here you can learn the basic features of the phone as well as some some shortcuts that will save you a lot of time.

I loved my iPhone from the first time the screen was activated, but after having read iPhone for Dummies, I love it even more. The first night I opened it in bed I stayed awake until 3am trying all of the shortcuts in the book and bookmarking web sites that the book recommends.

Chapter 16 lists 10 Web Sites that will make your iPhone even more useful and fun. For example, I've tried and bookmarked Tip Calculator, One Trip Shopping List, iPhone Widget List and Wi-Fi Finder .

Chapter 17 is devoted to Helpful Hints, Tips and Shortcuts. Here you'll find tips on how to type punctuation and numerals faster as well as another use for the docking station.